Prof. Lyle Whyte (Professor, McGill University; Member, McGill Space Institute) is a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Polar Microbiology (2018-2025). He explores microbial communities’ biodiversity, ecology, and activity at subzero temperatures in cryoenvironments (subzero habitats). The utility of these unique cryoenvironments as analogues for astrobiology studies is also a key feature of his research program. He is a member of the McGill Space Institute and is currently Chair of the CSA Planetary Exploration Consultation Committee (PECC) and was the PI of the NSERC CREATE Canadian Astrobiology Training Program (2009-2015). He was a member of the ExoMars 2020 Landing Site Selection Working Group (LSWWG) and is currently an invited member of the ExoMars Rover Operations Science Working Group (ROSWG), the ExoMars PanCan and CLUPI Science Teams.